100+ Best GK Questions with Answers on Technology in 2024

100+ Best GK Questions with Answers on Technology in 2024

100 GK Questions with Answers on Technology

1. Who is known as the founder of Microsoft?
Answer: Bill Gates

2. What does CPU stand for?
Answer: Central Processing Unit

3. Which company developed the Android operating system?
Answer: Google

4. What does HTML stand for in terms of computer language?
Answer: HyperText Markup Language

5. Which computer hardware device provides an interface for all other connected devices to communicate?
Answer: Motherboard

6. What is the full form of USB as used in computer technology?
Answer: Universal Serial Bus

7. What does ISP stand for?
Answer: Internet Service Provider

8. Which computer term is used to describe the number of pixels on a screen?
Answer: Resolution

9. What is the name of the technology that allows us to interact with computers using gestures and voice commands?
Answer: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

10. Which programming language is known as the "language of the web"?
Answer: JavaScript

11. What is the name of the process of increasing the amplitude of a digital signal to transmit it over long distances?
Answer: Amplification

12. What is the name of the process used to protect a computer network from unauthorized users?
Answer: Firewall

13. Which computer component is known as the "brain" of the computer?
Answer: CPU (Central Processing Unit)

14. What does VPN stand for?
Answer: Virtual Private Network

15. Which technology is used to connect multiple devices to the same network, allowing them to communicate with each other?
Answer: Ethernet

16. What is the name of the protocol used to send email over the Internet?
Answer: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

17. Which company developed the Java programming language?
Answer: Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation)

18. What is the name of the technology that allows mobile phones to communicate with each other without a cellular network?
Answer: Bluetooth

19. Which computer component stores data long-term, even when the computer is turned off?
Answer: Hard Drive

20. What does URL stand for in web addresses?
Answer: Uniform Resource Locator

21. Which technology is used to create three-dimensional models on a computer?
Answer: 3D Modeling

22. What is the name of the technology that allows us to browse the Internet without revealing our IP address?
Answer: Proxy Server

23. Which company is known for developing the Windows operating system?
Answer: Microsoft

24. What does SSD stand for in terms of data storage?
Answer: Solid State Drive

25. Which technology is used to track the location of a mobile device using satellite signals?
Answer: GPS (Global Positioning System)

26. What is the name of the technology that allows computers to store and access data over the Internet rather than on a local hard drive?
Answer: Cloud Computing

27. Which computer component is responsible for converting digital data into an analogue signal for transmission over telephone lines?
Answer: Modem

28. What is the name of the technology that allows us to make purchases and payments using our mobile phones?
Answer: Mobile Payment

29. Which programming language is often used for developing mobile apps?
Answer: Swift (for iOS) and Java/Kotlin (for Android)

30. What does DRM stand for in terms of digital media?
Answer: Digital Rights Management

31. Which programming language is commonly used for data analysis and machine learning?
Answer: Python

32. What does IoT stand for?
Answer: Internet of Things

33. Which company developed the first commercially successful microprocessor?
Answer: Intel Corporation

34. What is the name of the protocol used for secure communication over a computer network, commonly used for websites?
Answer: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

35. Which technology is used to create a secure and encrypted connection between a web browser and a website?
Answer: SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security)

36. What is the name of the technology that allows users to interact with computer screens by touching them with their fingers?
Answer: Touchscreen

37. Which company is known for developing the iPhone?
Answer: Apple Inc.

38. What is the name of the process of converting analog audio signals into digital data for storage or transmission?
Answer: Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC)

39. Which computer component is responsible for processing graphics and displaying images on a monitor?
Answer: Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

40. What is the name of the technology that allows users to control computers and devices using hand gestures and body movements?
Answer: Gesture Recognition

41. What does DNS stand for in computer networking?
Answer: Domain Name System

42. Which technology is used to store data in a non-volatile memory chip that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed?
Answer: Flash Memory

43. What is the name of the programming language commonly used for developing web applications?
Answer: JavaScript

44. Which company developed the Linux operating system?
Answer: Linus Torvalds (Linux Foundation)

45. What is the name of the technology that allows users to access and interact with computer systems remotely over the Internet?
Answer: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

46. Which computer language is used for creating and formatting documents, often used for writing books and academic papers?
Answer: LaTeX

47. What is the name of the technology that allows computers to understand and interpret human languages?
Answer: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

48. Which technology is used to create digital representations of physical objects for use in design, manufacturing, and visualization?
Answer: Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

49. What is the name of the technology that allows users to make phone calls over the Internet?
Answer: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

50. Which company developed the World Wide Web (WWW)?
Answer: CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

51. Which technology is used to encode and compress audio files, reducing their size for storage or transmission?
Answer: MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3)

52. What is the name of the technology that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time over the Internet?
Answer: Instant Messaging

53. Which computer component is responsible for storing and executing program instructions?
Answer: Central Processing Unit (CPU)

54. What is the name of the technology that allows computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time?
Answer: Machine Learning

55. Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile apps for Apple's iOS devices?
Answer: Swift

56. What is the name of the technology that allows users to access and use software applications over the Internet without the need for installation?
Answer: Software as a Service (SaaS)

57. Which company is known for developing the Windows operating system?
Answer: Microsoft Corporation

58. What is the name of the technology that allows users to navigate and interact with virtual three-dimensional environments?
Answer: Virtual Reality (VR)

59. Which computer component is responsible for storing data temporarily while it is being accessed or processed by the CPU?
Answer: Random Access Memory (RAM)

60. Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile apps for Google's Android devices?
Answer: Java

61. What does UX/UI stand for in terms of software design?
Answer: User Experience/User Interface

62. Which technology is used to capture and record video footage of an area or event for surveillance purposes?
Answer: Closed-circuit television (CCTV)

63. What does API stand for in terms of software development?
Answer: Application Programming Interface

64. What is the name of the technology that allows users to make digital payments using their smartphones?
Answer: Mobile Wallet

65. Which programming language is commonly used for data analysis and statistical computing?
Answer: R

66. What does CDN stand for in the context of web technology?
Answer: Content Delivery Network

67. Which company developed the JavaScript programming language?
Answer: Netscape Communications Corporation

68. What is the name of the technology that allows computers to understand and interpret human speech?
Answer: Speech Recognition

69. Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile apps for Android devices?
Answer: Kotlin

70. What is the name of the technology that allows users to scan and convert printed documents into digital images?
Answer: Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

71. Which computer component is responsible for converting digital signals into analogue signals for output to external devices like speakers?
Answer: Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

72. What does RAID stand for in terms of data storage?
Answer: Redundant Array of Independent Disks

73. Which technology is used to create and distribute digital currencies like Bitcoin?
Answer: Blockchain

74. What is the name of the technology that allows users to control electronic devices using voice commands?
Answer: Voice User Interface (VUI)

75. Which company was known for developing the Android operating system before it was acquired by Google?
Answer: Android Inc.

78. Which technology is used to track and record the movement of objects or people using radio waves?
Answer: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

79. What is the name of the technology that allows users to connect multiple devices to a single network connection wirelessly?
Answer: Wi-Fi

80. Which programming language is commonly used for developing web server applications?
Answer: PHP

81. What is the name of the technology that allows users to store and share files online?
Answer: Cloud Storage

82. Which computer component is responsible for converting digital signals into light signals for transmission over optical fibres?
Answer: Optical Transceiver

83. What does API stand for in terms of software development?
Answer: Application Programming Interface

84. Which technology is used to analyze and interpret large volumes of structured and unstructured data to uncover patterns and insights?
Answer: Big Data Analytics

85. What is the name of the technology that allows users to access and control their computers remotely over the Internet?
Answer: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

86. Which programming language is commonly used for developing desktop applications on Microsoft Windows?
Answer: C#

87. What is the name of the technology that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time over the Internet, often used for customer support?
Answer: Live Chat

88. Which technology is used to create three-dimensional digital models for various applications, including gaming and architectural design?
Answer: 3D Modeling

89. What is the name of the process by which a computer system checks the identity of a user or other systems trying to access it?
Answer: Authentication

90. Which technology allows users to interact with a computer using hand gestures, body movements, and facial expressions?
Answer: Gesture Recognition

91. What is the name of the technology that enables real-time communication between two or more users over the internet, often used for video conferencing?
Answer: VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

92. What does AR stand for in the context of technology that overlays digital information onto the real world?
Answer: Augmented Reality

93. What is the name of the technology that allows users to access and control their computer desktop from another device, typically over the internet?
Answer: Remote Desktop

94. What does CMS stand for in the context of website creation and management?
Answer: Content Management System

95. Which company developed the open-source web browser Mozilla Firefox?
Answer: Mozilla Corporation

96. Which computer component is responsible for converting electrical signals into light signals for transmission over optical fibers?
Answer: Optical Transceiver

97. What does CDN stand for in the context of internet content delivery?
Answer: Content Delivery Network

98. Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile applications for Google's Android operating system?
Answer: Kotlin

99. What is the name of the technology that enables users to access the internet using a mobile device's cellular network connection?
Answer: Mobile Data

100. Which technology is used to create and distribute digital versions of printed books, magazines, and newspapers?
Answer: E-Book

101. What is the name of the technology that enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human-like language?
Answer: Natural Language Processing (NLP)