Computer Network | Network Layer Important Question with Answer | BCA | MCA | BTech

In the realm of computer networks, the network layer plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication between devices across diverse and complex networks. Understanding the core functions and responsibilities of the network layer is essential for students pursuing degrees in BCA, MCA, and BTech. This layer is responsible for determining the best path for data to travel from the source to the destination, managing network addressing, and handling packet forwarding. In this article, we will delve into some important questions and answers related to the network layer, offering insights and clarifications that will aid in mastering this fundamental aspect of network architecture.

Whether you’re preparing for exams or looking to enhance your understanding of network operations, this guide will provide valuable knowledge and practical examples to support your studies.

Computer Network Important Question with Answer | Network Layer

Network Layer Important Question with Answer
Network Layer Important Question with Answer 

1. Differentiate between Virtual circuits and Datagram networks?

Imagine you want to send a series of messages or data packets to a friend. There are two main ways to do this, similar to how letters can be sent through the postal system or how phone calls work. These two methods are called Virtual Circuits and Datagram Networks. Let's break them down with simple examples:

Virtual Circuits

Example: Making a Phone Call

  • How It Works: When you make a phone call, you directly connect with the person you're calling. This connection is maintained for the entire duration of the call. In the same way, a virtual circuit sets up a dedicated path between the sender and the receiver before any data is sent. This path is used exclusively for the communication between these two points.
  • Key Features:
    • Dedicated Path: Like your phone line during a call, the data follows the same route every time.
    • Consistent Connection: Once set up, the connection stays until the communication ends, ensuring a stable and reliable link.
    • Orderly Delivery: Data arrives in the same order it was sent, much like a conversation where the words come in a logical sequence.

Datagram Networks

Example: Sending Letters

  • How It Works: Think of sending letters through the postal service. Each letter (or data packet) is sent independently. There is no single dedicated path; each letter can take a different route to reach the destination. Similarly, in a datagram network, each data packet is sent independently, and packets may take different paths to reach the same destination.
  • Key Features:
    • No Dedicated Path: There's no pre-established route. Each packet finds its own way to the recipient, much like how each letter might travel through different postal routes.
    • Flexible and Dynamic: This method adapts easily to changes in the network, such as traffic or outages.
    • Order Not Guaranteed: Just like how letters might arrive in a different order than sent, data packets may not arrive in the same order, so they might need to be rearranged once all are received.


  • Virtual Circuits: Like a phone call, they provide a dedicated, consistent path, ensuring orderly delivery of data.
  • Datagram Networks: Like sending individual letters, they offer flexibility and independence for each data packet, but the order of arrival is not guaranteed.

These two methods are fundamental to how data travels across networks, each with its own strengths and suitable use cases.

2. Write short notes on virtual circuits.

Virtual circuits are like imaginary paths that data takes when it moves through a network. Think of it like taking a taxi in a big city. When you get into the taxi, you tell the driver where you want to go, and the driver takes a specific route to get there. This route is like the "virtual circuit" in a network.

Here's a simple example: Imagine you're sending a package to a friend across the country. You put the package in a delivery van, and the van follows a set route to your friend's house. The path the van takes is like a virtual circuit. It may stop at certain places along the way to pick up or drop off other packages, but it follows a specific route that was set up just for that delivery.

In a computer network, virtual circuits work similarly. When you send data from your computer to another, the network sets up a path for that data to follow. This path is established at the beginning and remains in place until the data has been delivered. This makes it easier to manage the flow of data, ensures it goes to the right place, and can even help maintain a certain level of quality, like keeping the connection stable and quick.

So, a virtual circuit is basically a pre-planned route for data to travel within a network, making sure it reaches its destination smoothly and efficiently.

3. Describe IPV4 Addressing.

Understanding IPv4 Addressing: 

Imagine you live in a large city, and each house has a unique address. This address helps people find the right house among many others. In a similar way, every device connected to the internet, like your computer or smartphone, needs a unique "address" to communicate with other devices. This address is called an IPv4 address.

IPv4 Address: The House Number of the Internet

An IPv4 address is like a house number for your device on the internet. It consists of four numbers separated by dots, for example, Each number can range from 0 to 255. This gives us billions of possible addresses.

Why IPv4 Addresses Are Important

Just like the postal system needs addresses to deliver letters to the right homes, the internet needs IPv4 addresses to send data to the correct devices. When you visit a website, send an email, or stream a video, your device uses an IPv4 address to communicate with other devices and servers on the internet.

An Everyday Example:

Imagine you want to send a postcard to a friend. You need to know their house number and street to ensure the postcard reaches the right place. Similarly, if you want to visit a website, your computer needs the website's IP address to connect to the correct server.

IPv4 Addresses in Action

Let's say your computer's IPv4 address is, and you want to visit a website whose server has the IPv4 address Your computer sends a request to this address, asking for the website's data. The server responds by sending the requested data back to your IPv4 address.


IPv4 addressing is a way of identifying devices on the internet, much like house numbers identify homes in a city. It ensures that data gets sent to the right place, helping us connect and communicate online.

4. Explain IPV6 Addressing.

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, is a system used for identifying devices on the Internet or any network that uses the Internet. Just like how a house has a unique address so mail can be delivered, every device on the internet needs a unique address to receive information.

How IPv6 Works

  1. Unique Address: IPv6 addresses are made up of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits (numbers and letters). For example, an IPv6 address might look like this: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.
  2. Large Number of Addresses: IPv6 provides a vast number of unique addresses. Think of it as a city with an almost infinite number of house numbers, making sure everyone can have their own unique address without running out.
  3. Why We Need IPv6: The old system, called IPv4, was running out of addresses because it could only provide about 4.3 billion unique addresses. With the growing number of devices connected to the internet, we needed more addresses, and that's where IPv6 comes in.

Layman Example:

Imagine you live in a small town where all the houses have addresses written in a single row on a long street. As more people move in, you start running out of house numbers. To solve this problem, the town decided to use a new system where addresses can include both numbers and letters and be much longer. This way, even if the town grows into a huge city, there will always be enough unique addresses for everyone.

Similarly, IPv6 gives us a much larger space to create unique addresses, ensuring that every device, like your smartphone, laptop, or smart fridge, can have its own unique spot on the internet.

4. Explain IPV6 Addressing.

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, is a system used for identifying devices on the Internet or any network that uses the Internet. Just like how a house has a unique address so mail can be delivered, every device on the internet needs a unique address to receive information.

How IPv6 Works

  1. Unique Address: IPv6 addresses are made up of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits (numbers and letters). For example, an IPv6 address might look like this: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.
  2. Large Number of Addresses: IPv6 provides a vast number of unique addresses. Think of it as a city with an almost infinite number of house numbers, making sure everyone can have their own unique address without running out.
  3. Why We Need IPv6: The old system, called IPv4, was running out of addresses because it could only provide about 4.3 billion unique addresses. With the growing number of devices connected to the internet, we needed more addresses, and that's where IPv6 comes in.

Layman Example:

Imagine you live in a small town where all the houses have addresses written in a single row on a long street. As more people move in, you start running out of house numbers. To solve this problem, the town decided to use a new system where addresses can include both numbers and letters and be much longer. This way, even if the town grows into a huge city, there will always be enough unique addresses for everyone.

Similarly, IPv6 gives us a much larger space to create unique addresses, ensuring that every device, like your smartphone, laptop, or smart fridge, can have its own unique spot on the internet.

5. What are the different types of IPV6 addresses? Explain.

IPv6 addresses, which are used in the newer version of the Internet Protocol, come in different types based on their purpose and scope. Here's a simple explanation of these types with layman's examples:

1. Unicast Addresses

Unicast addresses are used to identify a single device on the internet. Imagine you want to send a letter to your friend, and you write their specific home address on the envelope. In the internet world, that address is like a unicast address—it helps data reach one particular device.

  • Example: Your computer or smartphone has a unique unicast address, just like a house has a unique address. When someone sends data to your device, it's like sending a letter directly to your house.

2. Multicast Addresses

Multicast addresses are used to send data to a group of devices at once. Think of it like sending an invitation to a party. Instead of sending separate invitations to each friend, you send one invitation that everyone can read.

  • Example: When you watch a live video stream, the data might be sent to many viewers at the same time using a multicast address. It’s like sending one video stream to everyone watching, instead of sending a separate stream to each viewer.

3. Anycast Addresses

Anycast addresses are a bit like a "nearest store" finder. When you use an anycast address, your data goes to the nearest or best location out of several options, like finding the closest pizza delivery place.

  • Example: If you're trying to connect to a service that has servers in multiple locations, an anycast address helps your data reach the closest server. This is like finding the nearest store to get your pizza faster.

4. Link-Local Addresses

Link-local addresses are used for communication within a local network. They are like the internal phone numbers in an office, used only within the office to call each other, not for external calls.

  • Example: Devices in your home network, like your computer and printer, use link-local addresses to communicate. They don’t need a full internet address to talk to each other, just like you don’t need to dial a full phone number to call a coworker at the next desk.

5. Global Unicast Addresses

Global unicast addresses are like regular unicast addresses, but they can be used across the entire internet. It’s like having an international phone number that can be reached from anywhere in the world.

  • Example: Your personal computer might have a global unicast address if it’s connected directly to the internet, allowing it to communicate with devices anywhere in the world.

6. Unique Local Addresses

Unique local addresses are similar to private addresses in IPv4. They are used within a local network, like a company’s internal network, but they are unique enough to avoid conflicts if two companies merge.

  • Example: Think of unique local addresses like an internal code that only your family uses for communicating, but unique enough that if you meet another family, you won't get mixed up.

These different types of IPv6 addresses help organize and route data efficiently, just like how different kinds of addresses help in the real world.

7. Explain the optimality principle.

The optimality principle is a concept that suggests choosing the best option available in a given situation to achieve a specific goal. It involves making decisions that maximize benefits or minimize costs. To explain this in simple terms, let's use a layman's example:

Imagine you are planning a road trip and want to reach your destination in the shortest time possible. You have several routes to choose from:

  1. Route A: A straight path with no traffic but a longer distance.
  2. Route B: A shorter path but with heavy traffic.
  3. Route C: A middle-distance route with moderate traffic.

According to the optimality principle, you should choose the route that gets you to your destination the fastest. If Route A takes 4 hours, Route B takes 5 hours due to traffic, and Route C takes 3 hours, the optimal choice is Route C. It may not be the shortest distance, but it saves you the most time.

The key idea is to make the best possible choice based on the given options and your specific goal—in this case, reaching the destination quickly.

8. Write short notes on the shortest path algorithm and flooding.

Shortest Path Algorithm

The shortest path algorithm helps find the quickest route from one point to another in a network, like a map or a computer network. Imagine you're in a city and want to get to your friend's house using the least amount of time. The shortest path algorithm would be like a GPS, guiding you through the streets that take the shortest time, avoiding traffic or long detours.

For example, if there are multiple roads you could take, the algorithm will calculate the time or distance for each option and then suggest the quickest one. It's like finding the fastest way to reach your destination.


Flooding is a way of sending information through a network by sending it to every possible path until it reaches its destination. Think of it like a water spill on a flat surface; the water spreads in all directions until it covers the whole area.

In a computer network, if a message needs to reach a specific computer but the sender doesn't know the exact route, it sends the message to all connected computers. Each computer then passes the message to all its connections until it reaches the target. This method makes sure the message gets delivered, but it can be inefficient because it sends a lot of unnecessary copies, like spilling more water than needed.

So, while the shortest path algorithm focuses on finding the quickest route, flooding sends the message everywhere to ensure it reaches the destination, even if it's not the most efficient way.

9. Explain distance vector routing.

Distance vector routing is a method used in computer networks to determine the best path for data to travel from one point to another. Think of it like a delivery service deciding the best route to take packages from a warehouse to various destinations.

Here's a simple example:

Imagine you live in a town with several delivery stations. Each station knows the distance to its neighbouring stations. When a package needs to be delivered, each station shares information about how far other stations are from them and what the best routes are. This sharing of information helps each station figure out the shortest and most efficient path to get the package to its destination.

In more detail:

  1. Initial Information Sharing: Each station starts by knowing only the distances to its direct neighbours.
  2. Regular Updates: Stations regularly share their knowledge with their neighbours. For example, if Station A knows the shortest path to Station B is 5 miles, and Station B knows the shortest path to Station C is 3 miles, Station A can update its information to say the path to Station C through Station B is 8 miles.
  3. Finding the Best Route: As stations share and update their information, they find the shortest route to each destination. This process repeats periodically, so stations always have the latest and most efficient routes.

The key idea is that each station (or router in a network) only knows the distance to its neighbours and shares this information with others. Over time, they all learn the best routes to take, just like delivery stations figuring out the best paths to deliver packages efficiently.

10. Describe Link state routing.

Link-state routing is a method used by routers in a network to determine the best path for data to travel from one point to another. It works by having each router share information about its direct connections (links) with other routers in the network. Here's a simple way to understand it:

Imagine you and a group of friends are in a city, and you all want to meet at a cafe. However, you don't know which cafe to choose, and the traffic in the city is unpredictable. To decide the best route, each friend reports the traffic conditions and the time it takes to travel from their location to different cafes.

Now, instead of each friend trying to find the best route on their own, everyone shares their information with the group. This way, everyone knows which routes are clear and which are congested. Using this shared information, you can all choose the fastest and easiest route to the cafe.

In the context of link-state routing:

  • The "friends" represent the routers.
  • The "traffic conditions" and "travel times" represent the state of the network links, such as bandwidth and delay.
  • The "shared information" is like the map that helps determine the shortest path.

By knowing the state of each link, routers can independently calculate the best path to send data, ensuring efficient and quick delivery across the network. This method helps routers make smart decisions about where to send data, even if some paths are busy or unavailable.

11. Differentiate between multicast and broadcast routing.

Multicast vs. Broadcast Routing:

Broadcast Routing:

Broadcast routing is like making an announcement to an entire neighbourhood using a loudspeaker. Imagine you have a loudspeaker and want to tell everyone in the neighbourhood about a community event. You turn on the loudspeaker and speak, and everyone who hears it can listen to the message.

In technical terms, broadcast routing sends data to all devices in a network, whether they need the information or not. It's like saying, "I'm sending this to everyone, and whoever wants it can take it." It's efficient when you need to reach all devices, but it can be wasteful because not everyone might need the message.

Multicast Routing:

Multicast routing is more like inviting only those interested in gardening to a gardening workshop. Imagine you send out invitations to everyone in the neighbourhood, but only those who enjoy gardening come to the workshop. You only prepare enough chairs and materials for the gardeners, not for the whole neighbourhood.

In networking, multicast routing sends data only to a specific group of devices that have expressed interest in receiving that particular data. It's like saying, "Only send this to those who asked for it." This method saves resources because it doesn't send data to devices that don't need it.

Key Difference:

The main difference between broadcast and multicast routing is that broadcast sends data to all devices, while multicast only sends it to a selected group. Broadcast can be wasteful because it reaches everyone, even those not interested. In contrast, multicast is efficient because it targets only those who need the information.

12. Explain routing on the Internet.

Routing on the Internet: A Simple Explanation

Imagine you want to send a letter to a friend who lives far away. You put the letter in the mailbox, and it starts its journey through the postal system. The letter doesn’t go directly from your house to your friend’s house. Instead, it travels through several post offices and sorting centres, each handling the letter and forwarding it to the next place until it reaches its final destination.

Routing on the Internet works similarly, but instead of letters, it’s data (like emails, web pages, and videos). Here’s how it works:

  1. Starting Point: When you send a request from your computer, like asking to see a website, that request is like putting your letter in the mailbox.
  2. Internet Highways: The data travels through a series of "routers," which are like post offices. These routers help direct the data from your computer to the right place. Each router looks at the address on the data and decides the best path for it to take.
  3. Finding the Way: Just like your letter might go through several post offices to find the right route, your data may pass through multiple routers and networks. Each router makes a decision about where to send the data next based on the destination address.
  4. Reaching the Destination: Eventually, the data reaches its destination, like a website server. The server processes your request and sends back the information, such as a web page. This information also travels through routers to get back to your computer.
  5. Arriving Back: Finally, your computer receives the data, and you see the website you requested.

So, routing on the Internet is like a postal system for data, ensuring it travels through the right paths to get from your computer to the website and back again.