Best System Software MCQ with Answers 100+

Are you looking to sharpen your understanding of system software concepts and prepare for MCQs? This comprehensive guide is designed to give you a solid foundation and provide a wide range of practice questions with answers. Whether you're a computer science student, IT professional, or simply curious about the inner workings of operating systems, this resource will prove invaluable.

Best System Software MCQ with Answers For Practice

1. Disc cleanup tool is a ________.

b) Application S/W
c) System S/W
d) All

2. Device Driver is a _______Software.

b) Application S/W
c) System S/W
d) All

3. A machine language instruction format consists of:

a) Operand field
b) Operation code field
c) Mode, Operation code field & operand field
d) All

4. In instruction format, the address of any data location is said to be:

a) function code
b) logic code
c) operand
d) instruction code

5. What is the primary function of system software?

a) To perform specific tasks for end-users
b) To manage and control hardware resources
c) To create documents and presentations
d) To provide internet connectivity

6. Which of the following is NOT considered a type of system software?

a) Operating system
b) Device drivers
c) Word processing software
d) Utility software

7. What is the data bus width of the 8086 microprocessor?

a) 4 bit
b) 8 bit
c) 16 bit
d) 32 bit

8. 8086 microprocessor consists of _____transistors.

a) 2900
b) 3190
c) 2308
d) 3100

9. 8086 CPU has ____bit data bus and ____bit address bus.

a) 16-bit data, 20-bit address
b) 116-bit data, 210-bit address
c) 18-bit data, 22-bit address
d) 16-bit data, 24-bit address

10. _____ Instructions transfer data among variables.

a) Arithmetic
b) Float
c) Data transfer INSTRUCTION

11. In ______addressing mode, the data is stored in a register and it is referred to using the particular register.

b) Indirect
d) Auto

12. The software that bridges a specification or execution gap is called:

a) Language Processor
b) loader
c) linker
d) all

13. A ________ bridges the execution gap to the machine language of a computer system.

a) Language Translator
b) Linker
c) Loader
d) preprocessor

14. CPU uses ______ to note the address of the next instruction to be executed.

a) Instruction Pointer
b) address register
c) input register
d) All

15. ____________ and _________________ are the two popular models for program execution.

a) linker and loader
b) caloc and maloc
c) Translation and Interpretation
d) All

16. Analysis of Source Program (SP) + Synthesis of Target Program (TP) is called:

a) File
b) Linker
c) Language Processor
d) Loader

17. In 8086, ______ instruction generates a software interrupt.

a) int
b) float
d) boolean

18. A ____ of a program entity is a reference to the entity which precedes its definition in the program.

a) Front end
b) Back end
c) Forward reference
d) Backward reference

19. The most important table which contains information concerning all identifiers used in the Source Program is:

a) Symbol Table
b) ASCII table
c) Ref Table
d) All

20. The ______ performs memory allocation and code generation.

a) Front end
b) Back end
c) Both
d) May Be

21. The lexical and syntactic features of a programming language are specified by its:

d) All

22. A rule of grammar also called a rewriting rule is ______.

d) All

23. A binding performed before the execution of a program begins is called:

d) All

24. A System Software that accepts an assembly language program as input and produces its equivalent machine language program as output is called:

b) Assembler
a) Compiler
c) Printer
d) loader

25. The System Software which places the object code into the main memory during execution is called:

a) Linker
b) Loader
c) Compiler
d) Translator

26. A reference of a label, which is defined later in the program is called:

a) Forward Reference
b) SysRef
c) Backward reference
d) All

27. The instructions present in the source program used to instruct the assembler to perform certain actions during the translation of a program are called:

a) Assembler directives
b) Directive
c) Preprocessor directive
d) All

28. The assembler directive simply equates a symbolic name to a numeric value is called:

a) EQU
b) EAQ
c) SAQ
d) QQQ

29. The assembler uses the _________, ______________ for the pass1.

a) Location counter, mnemonics table
b) Location Number, mnemonics table
c) Location Ref, mnemonics Ref
d) All

30. The phase that scans the assembly language program completely and analyses the same can also be called as:

a) tokenization Phase
b) Synthesis Phase
c) Analysis Phase
d) probabilistic phase

31. The assembler that does not write object programs out and does not need a loader is called:

a) Load and Go Assembler
b) Loader and Linker
c) Link and Go assembler
d) All

32. _______ is the data structure used to keep the address of the next memory word.

d) All

33. Mnemonics Table also called:

c) operand
d) OPR

34. ________ table maintains the details of the Pseudo instructions or assembler directives like ORG, END, and ASSUME.

a) Location Counter (LC)
b) Pseudo Instruction Table (PIT)
c) Mnemonics Table (MT)
d) All

35. Constants for which the assembler automatically reserves memory is called:

a) Constants
b) variables
c) Literals
d) Assembler

36. A unit of specification of program generation through expansion is called:

a) Macro
b) Module
c) Source Code
d) All

37. The use of macro name with set of actual parameters is replaced by some code generated by its body is called:

a) Macro expansion
b) Source Code
c) Module
d) All

38. A macro definition is enclosed between a ______ statement and a ______ statement:

a) Macro Footer and Macro end
b) Macro header and Macro Start
c) Macro header and Macro end
d) All

39. Variables which can only be used during the expansion of macro calls are called:

a) Expansion time variables (EV’s)
b) variables
c) Constant
d) All

40. The flow of control during macro expansion is implemented using:

a) Macro expansion Counter
b) Macro expansion
c) Counter
d) All

41. A data structure, which maintains the names and addresses (pointers) where the macro definition is available is called:

a) Macro Name Table
b) Macro
c) Symbol Table
d) Pseudo Instruction Table (PIT)

42. The generation of instructions tailored to the requirements of a specific usage is called:

a) Semantic Expansion
b) Code expansion
c) Code optimization
d) Syntax analysis

43. Expansion of nested macro calls follows:

d) 0

44. What is a macro in the context of programming?

a) A small program that performs a specific task
b) A function that takes arguments and returns a value
c) A named block of code that can be expanded inline
d) A type of data structure used for storage

45. What is the primary purpose of a macro processor?

a) To optimize code for execution speed
b) To generate assembly code from high-level code
c) To expand macros into their corresponding code
d) To handle memory management in a program

46. In which phase of compilation is macro processing typically performed?

a) Lexical analysis
b) Syntax analysis
c) Semantic analysis
d) Preprocessing

47. In macro processing, what does "macro expansion" refer to?

a) Reducing the size of a macro
b) Reusing a macro in multiple programs
c) Replacing a macro call with its body
d) Compiling a macro into machine code

48. Which of the following is an advantage of using macros in programming?

a) Improved code readability
b) Increased program execution speed
c) Reduced memory usage
d) Simplified debugging

49. What is the primary function of a loader in a computer system?

a) To compile source code into machine code
b) To execute programs
c) To load programs into memory for execution
d) To perform mathematical calculations

50. The process of bringing the object program into the memory for execution is called:

a) Loading
b) Linking
c) Coding
d) Debugging

51. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader is executed, which is called:

a) Bootstrap Loader
b) First Loader
c) Spl Loader
d) All

52. The first program loaded by Bootstrap to be run by:

a) Loader
b) Linker
c) Compiler
d) Operating system

53. Loaders that allow for program relocation are called:

a) Allocating Loader
b) Relocating Loader
c) Revision Loader
d) All

54. Each part of the object code that must be changed when the program is relocated is described in:

a) Modification record
b) Updated Record
c) Record
d) All

55. In the case of Relocation bits, the bits corresponding to unused words are set to:

a) Two
b) One
c) Zero
d) 5

56. Capability that eliminates some of the need for the loader to perform program relocation is called:

a) S/w relocation
b) Hardware relocation
c) OS relocation
d) All

57. A loader that loads OS and prepares it for execution is called:

a) Bootstrap loader
b) Linker
c) Compiler
d) All

58. __________ Perform linking prior to load time:

a) Linker
b) Linkage editor
c) Editor
d) All

59. Linking in which the linking function is performed at execution time is called:

a) Dynamic linking
b) Static Linking
c) Linking
d) All

60. A program that takes one or more objects generated by compilers and assembles them into a single executable program is called:

a) Linker or Link editor
b) Loader
c) Translator
d) All

61. A program module containing machine code and information for the linker is called:

a) Objects
b) Loader objects
c) Linker Objects
d) All

62. The functions or variables that are called or referenced by this object, but not internally defined are called:

a) Defined symbols
b) Undefined or imported symbols
c) Local symbols
d) All

63. The linker processes a set of object modules to produce a ready-to-execute program form called:

a) Binary program
b) Octal program
c) Decimal program
d) All

64. The process of modifying the addresses used in the address-sensitive instructions of a program such that the program can execute correctly from the designated area of memory is called:

a) Program relocation
b) Program allocation
c) Free
d) All

65. A symbol pub_symb defined in a program unit which may be referenced in other program units is called:

a) Private Definition
b) Public Definition
c) Open Definition
d) All

66. The process of binding an external reference to the correct link time address is called:

a) Loading
b) Coding
c) Linking
d) All

67. A program which can perform the relocation of its own address-sensitive instructions is called:

a) Relocating program
b) External-relocating program
c) Self-relocating program
d) All

68. Part of a program that has the same load origin as some other part of the program is called:

a) Overlays
b) Imported symbols
c) Link editor
d) External

69. What is the primary function of a linker in a computer system?

a) To compile source code into machine code
b) To execute programs
c) To combine multiple object files into a single executable program
d) To load programs into memory for execution

70. What is the purpose of a relocation table in the linking process?

a) To store information about external references
b) To specify the load address of a program
c) To keep track of symbol definitions
d) To optimize the program for execution

71. What is a symbol in the context of linking?

a) A reserved keyword in programming languages
b) A character used to separate code sections
c) A named object or value used in a program
d) A data structure used for memory allocation

72. A program which executes instructions written in a high-level language by translating that source code to object code is called:

a) Language Translator
b) Linker
c) Loader
d) All

73. Compiler is a Language Translator.

b) May be
d) 50-50

74. The syntax analyzer groups tokens together into syntactic structures called:

a) Parse Tree
b) Banyan tree
c) BST
d) B tree

75. Lexical analyzer converts the source program into a sequence of atomic units called:

a) Atoms
b) Molecules
c) Tokens
d) All

76. A data structure containing a record for each identifier, with a field for the attribute of identifier, is called:

a) Symbol Table
b) Syntax Table
c) Routing Table
d) All

77. Symbol tables having only one scope and only ‘global’ variables are called:

a) Complex Symbol Table
b) Simple Symbol Table
c) Symbol Table
d) All

78. A program which receives valid tokens and checks them against the grammar and produces valid parse trees otherwise generates syntactical errors is called:

a) Loader
b) Parser
c) Linker
d) All

79. The graphical representation for derivations which filters out the choice regarding the replacement, order is called:

a) Parse Tree
b) BST
c) B tree
d) All

80. Parsers that construct the parse tree from the root to the leaves in preorder for the given input string, is called:

a) Bottom Up Parser
b) Canonical Parser
c) Top-down Parser
d) All

81. The collection of language features that govern the sequencing of control through a program is called:

a) Control Statement
b) Loop Statement
c) Instructional loop
d) All

82. A change in the value of a variable that is not local to the called function is called:

a) Constants
b) Side effect
c) Variable effect
d) All

83. The mechanism in which values of actual parameters are passed to the called function is called:

a) Call by value
b) Call by reference
c) Value
d) Reference

84. What is the primary function of an interpreter in a computer system?

a) To compile source code into machine code
b) To execute programs directly without generating machine code
c) To load programs into memory for execution
d) To combine multiple object files into a single executable program

85. What is a "scripting language" often associated with interpreters?

a) A language used for system-level programming
b) A language used for writing small utility programs
c) A language that is only compiled and never interpreted
d) A language that can only be executed on supercomputers

86. The __________ should generate a printable view:

a) Editor
b) Main memory (RAM)
c) Graphical User Interface
d) All

87. If a file is created in an editor, then it is created in the __________ only:

a) Pointer
b) Hard Disk
c) Main memory (RAM)
d) All

88. Which editor allows a user to enter, change, store, and usually print text?

a) Graphic
b) Line
c) Text
d) Steam

89. Which editor allows a user to create and revise a target document?

a) Line
b) Graphic
c) Interactive
d) Steam

90. The __________ process is an interactive user-computer dialogue.

a) Document-editing
b) Text editing
c) Audio editing
d) All

91. The use of an interactive editor is presented with a __________ model of the editing system.

a) Conceptual
b) Practical
c) Interactive
d) All

92. The __________ module of the editor performs the setting of the current editing and viewing pointers.

a) Walking
b) Crawling
c) Traveling
d) All

93. Which of the following functions of the Interactive debugging system?

a) Debugging functions and capabilities
b) Relationship with other parts of the system
c) User Interface criteria
d) All

94. In a good graphic representation of program progress, the program runs at various speeds called __________.

a) Debugger
b) Gaits
c) Tracing
d) All

95. A debugging system should provide functions such as __________ and __________.

a) Tracing, Traceback
b) Debugging, Traceback
c) Compiling, Trackback
d) All

96. Which of the following determines the programming language and sets its context accordingly?

a) Tracer
b) Gait
c) User Interface
d) Debugger

97. What is the primary purpose of a text editor?

a) To format text for printing
b) To edit and manipulate text files
c) To browse the internet
d) To write computer programs

98. Which type of text editor is typically used for coding and programming tasks?

a) Word processor
b) Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
c) Graphic editor
d) Spreadsheet application

99. Which of the following is a common feature of text editors?

a) Advanced image editing tools
b) Spell-check and grammar checking
c) Spreadsheet capabilities
d) Syntax highlighting for code

100. Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links for __________ them with the CPU.

a) Interfacing
b) Bridging
c) Linking
d) All

101. A device __________ is a software interface that allows the OS to provide Input/Output (I/O) services to interact with an underlying device.

a) Linker
b) Driver
c) Loader
d) All

102. Which of the following directory is associated with a device driver that manages the communication with the related device in UNIX?

a) /dev
b) /etc
c) /home
d) /lib

103. In MS-DOS, device drivers are installed and loaded __________

a) Dynamically
b) Statically
c) Randomly
d) All

104. The role of device driver design can be seen through mechanism and policy.

b) Maybe
d) 50-50

105. How does Windows OS carry out actions on the device?

a) Windows loads device drivers and calls functions in the drivers
b) Windows loads devices in the memory
c) Memory connects devices to the processor
d) Device drivers are connected to the memory and processor

106. Which drivers are used to accessing character devices as a file?

a) Block drivers
b) Char drivers
c) Network drivers
d) Stream driver

107. A block device is a device that can host a __________

a) Filesystem
b) Policy system
c) Device system
d) All

108. A network driver knows nothing about individual connections; it only handles packets.

b) Maybe
d) 50-50

109. Any subroutines or functions forming part of the kernel are considered part of __________ whereas end-user programs, like the UNIX shell or other GUI-based applications, are part of __________.

a) Kernel space, user space
b) User, kernel
c) Memory space, kernel space
d) All

110. How does Windows OS carry out actions on the device?

a) Windows loads device drivers and calls functions in the drivers
b) Windows loads devices in the memory
c) Memory connects devices to the processor
d) Device drivers are connected to the memory and processor