Unit 3: Production And Cost Analysis Notes For MBA & BBA

Production and Cost Analysis


In managerial economics, production refers to the process of using resources (like raw materials, labor, and machines) to create goods or services that can be sold to meet people's needs or wants.

Think of a bakery: they take flour, sugar, and eggs (resources) and, through a production process (mixing, baking), they create cakes or bread (goods) that customers buy. Production is about transforming inputs (resources) into outputs (finished products or services).

From a business perspective, the goal of production is to efficiently use resources to maximize profit while satisfying customers.

Production Concept & Production Analysis

The Production Concept and Production Analysis are key ideas in managerial economics, helping businesses understand how to use their resources efficiently. Let's break them down:

1. Production Concept

The production concept refers to the idea that consumers will favor products that are widely available and affordable. In this view, businesses focus on producing large quantities of goods at low cost to ensure mass distribution.

This concept assumes that:

  • People prefer goods that are easy to access and inexpensive.
  • Companies should focus on improving production efficiency and lowering costs.

For example, in early industrial economies, companies like Ford focused on mass-producing cars to make them affordable to the public.

2. Production Analysis

Production analysis examines how a business transforms inputs (like labor, capital, and raw materials) into outputs (goods or services). It looks at:

  • Production Functions: A mathematical representation of the relationship between inputs and outputs. It shows how much output (goods or services) a firm can produce with a given set of inputs. 

    For example, a bakery might have a production function that shows how many cakes they can produce based on the number of workers, ovens, and ingredients used.
  • Law of Diminishing Returns: This principle states that after a certain point, adding more of one input (like labor) while keeping others constant (like machines) will result in smaller increases in output. So, hiring more workers won’t always lead to proportional increases in production if other resources (like machines) are limited.
  • Short-run vs. Long-run Production:

  1. Short-run: Some resources (like machinery) are fixed, so businesses can only adjust certain inputs, like labor.
  2. Long-run: All resources are variable, and businesses can adjust both labor and capital to optimize production.

In short, production analysis helps businesses decide how much of each input to use, what methods to apply, and how to balance resources to maximize output efficiently.

Production Function

A Production Function is a mathematical model that describes the relationship between inputs and the output of a business. It shows how much output (goods or services) a company can produce using different combinations of inputs, such as labor, capital, raw materials, etc.

Basic Formula of Production Function:

The general form of the production function is: 



Q = Quantity of output produced
L = Amount of labor used
K = Amount of capital (machines, tools, etc.) used
f = A function that relates inputs to output

This function can also include other inputs, like raw materials (M), technology (T), and land (N), depending on the complexity of the production process.

Key Features of a Production Function:

  1. Inputs: These are the resources used in production, like labor (L), capital (K), and raw materials. They are the variables that affect how much output (Q) is produced.
  2. Outputs: The final goods or services produced by using the inputs.
  3. Technology: The method or process that transforms inputs into outputs. Improvements in technology can increase output without needing more inputs.
  4. Short-run vs. Long-run Production Function:
  • Short-run: At least one input (like machinery) is fixed, and businesses can only change variable inputs (like labor).
  • Long-run: All inputs are variable, meaning the company can adjust both labor and capital over time.

Example of a Simple Production Function:

If a bakery uses labor (L) and ovens (capital, K) to produce cakes, the production function might look like this: Q=5L+3KQ. This means that for every unit of labor and capital, the bakery can produce a certain number of cakes. The more workers and ovens the bakery uses, the more cakes they can produce.

Importance of Production Function:

  • Efficiency: It helps businesses determine the most efficient combination of inputs to maximize output.
  • Cost Management: It allows companies to see how changes in input use (like hiring more workers or buying more machines) will impact production levels and costs.
  • Decision-Making: Businesses can decide how to allocate resources for optimal production and profits

Assumption for Production Function

  • Only two main inputs: labor and capital.
  • Resources are used efficiently.
  • Technology is fixed in the short run.
  • Fixed and variable inputs in the short run.
  • All inputs are variable in the long run.
  • Diminishing marginal returns.
  • Homogeneous (same quality) inputs.
  • Inputs are divisible.
  • Constant state of technology.
  • Perfect competition in input markets.
  • Single output is produced.
  • Substitutability between inputs.

Types Of Production Functions

In managerial economics, several types of production functions are used to model the relationship between inputs and outputs. Here are the main types:

1. Linear Production Function

This type of production function assumes a direct proportionality between inputs and output. The output increases linearly with an increase in inputs.

General Form: Q=aL+bKQ = aL + bK


  • Q = quantity of output

  • L
    = Labor input
  • K = Capital input
  • aa and bb are constants representing the contribution of each input.

Example: If 1 unit of labor produces 5 units of output and 1 unit of capital produces 3 units, the output can be calculated as Q=5L+3KQ = 5L + 3K

2. Cobb-Douglas Production Function

This widely used production function represents the relationship between multiple inputs and output, showing how inputs can be combined in different proportions. It allows for diminishing returns and flexibility in input usage.

General Form: Q=ALαKβQ = A L^\alpha K^\beta


  • AA = Total factor productivity (technology factor)
  • α and Î²\beta = Output elasticities of labor and capital, indicating the percentage change in output resulting from a percentage change in inputs.

Example: A Cobb-Douglas function could be Q=2L0.5K0.5Q = 2 L^{0.5} K^{0.5}, suggesting that both labor and capital are important in production, and output increases at a decreasing rate with each input.

3. Leontief Production Function

This type of function assumes that inputs are used in fixed proportions. It is based on the idea that certain goods require a specific ratio of inputs to produce output.

General Form: Q=min(La,Kb)Q = \min\left(\frac{L}{a}, \frac{K}{b}\right)


  • aa and bb are constants representing the fixed proportions of labor and capital required.

Example: If a factory requires 2 units of labor and 1 unit of capital to produce 1 unit of output, the production function would be Q=min(L2,K)Q = \min\left(\frac{L}{2}, K\right)

4. Total Product (TP), Average Product (AP), and Marginal Product (MP) Functions

These functions analyze the productivity of a single input, usually labor.

  • Total Product (TP): The total output produced with a given quantity of an input.
  • Average Product (AP): The output produced per unit of input.  (AP=TP/L)
  • Marginal Product (MP): The additional output produced when one more unit of input is added. (MP=ΔTP/ 

These concepts are crucial for understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of input usage.

5. Quadratic Production Function

This function assumes a nonlinear relationship between inputs and output. It allows for increasing and then diminishing returns to scale.

General Form: Q=a+bL+cL2Q = a + bL + cL^2


  • aa is a constant,
  • bb and cc are coefficients that determine the relationship between labor and output.

6. Constant Returns to Scale, Increasing Returns to Scale, and Decreasing Returns to Scale

These concepts describe how output changes as all inputs are increased by the same proportion:

  • Constant Returns to Scale: If output increases in the same proportion as inputs, the production function shows constant returns.
  • Increasing Returns to Scale: If output increases by a greater proportion than inputs, this is known as increasing returns to scale.
  • Decreasing Returns to Scale: If output increases by a lesser proportion than inputs, it reflects decreasing returns to scale.

Types of Production Functions in Short:

  1. Linear Production Function: Direct proportionality between inputs and output.
  2. Cobb-Douglas Production Function: Flexibility in input combinations with diminishing returns.
  3. Leontief Production Function: Fixed proportions of inputs required.
  4. Total Product, Average Product, and Marginal Product Functions: Analyze the productivity of a single input.
  5. Quadratic Production Function: Nonlinear relationship with increasing and diminishing returns.
  6. Translog Production Function: Flexible approximation of production relationships.
  7. Returns to Scale: Describes output changes as inputs are varied.

These types of production functions help managers analyze and optimize production processes, make informed decisions about resource allocation, and forecast output based on varying input levels.

Law of Production

The Law of Production refers to the principles that describe how inputs are transformed into outputs in the production process. It primarily involves two key concepts: the Law of Diminishing Returns and Returns to Scale. Here’s a breakdown of these concepts:

1. Law of Diminishing Returns

The Law of Diminishing Returns, also known as the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, states that as you increase one input in the production process (while keeping other inputs constant), the additional output produced from each additional unit of that input will eventually decline after a certain point.

Production And Cost Analysis

Key Points:

  1. Fixed and Variable Inputs: This law typically applies in the short run, where at least one input (like capital) is fixed. For example, if a factory has a limited number of machines, adding more workers will eventually lead to less efficient production.
  2. Stages of Production:
    Production And Cost Analysis
  • Increasing Returns: Initially, adding more of the variable input (like labor) leads to a proportionate increase in output.
  • Diminishing Returns: After reaching an optimal point, each additional unit of input contributes less to total output. For instance, if a bakery hires too many bakers without increasing the number of ovens, the extra bakers will be less productive.
  • Negative Returns: In some cases, if too many inputs are added, total output may actually decrease due to overcrowding or inefficiency.


Imagine a farmer growing crops in a fixed area of land:

  • Initially, adding more workers will significantly increase the crop yield.
  • After a certain number of workers, each additional worker will contribute less and less to the overall yield due to limited land space.
  • If too many workers are added, it might lead to overcrowding and decreased overall production.

2. Returns to Scale

Returns to Scale examines how the output responds when all inputs are increased proportionately. It can be classified into three types:

Production And Cost Analysis

a. Constant Returns to Scale

When the proportionate increase in output is equal to the proportionate increase in inputs. For example, if a firm doubles all inputs (labor and capital), it also doubles the output.

b. Increasing Returns to Scale

When the proportionate increase in output is greater than the proportionate increase in inputs. For instance, if a firm doubles its inputs and the output more than doubles, it is experiencing increasing returns to scale. This often occurs due to factors like specialization and efficiencies that come from larger-scale operations.

c. Decreasing Returns to Scale

When the proportionate increase in output is less than the proportionate increase in inputs. For example, if a firm doubles its inputs but the output increases by less than double, it indicates decreasing returns to scale. This might happen in a large firm where coordination becomes challenging as size increases.

Importance of the Law of Production

Understanding the Law of Production is crucial for managers and businesses for several reasons:

  • Resource Allocation: Helps determine the optimal combination of inputs to maximize output and efficiency.
  • Cost Management: Aids in understanding how changing input levels affect production costs and profitability.
  • Capacity Planning: Informs decisions about scaling operations, and whether to increase or decrease input levels based on output needs.
  • Production Efficiency: Identifying the point of diminishing returns can guide businesses to optimize their production processes and avoid waste.

The Law of Production encompasses principles that explain how different inputs contribute to output in production. The Law of Diminishing Returns highlights that increasing a single input will eventually lead to reduced additional output, while Returns to Scale explains how output changes when all inputs are varied proportionately. Understanding these laws helps businesses optimize their production processes and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and operational efficiency.

Cost Concept & Analysis

"cost" refers to the expenses incurred by a firm in the production of goods or services. Understanding costs is crucial for decision-making, pricing, budgeting, and overall financial planning.

The cost concept in managerial economics refers to the various ways costs can be classified and analyzed to aid decision-making within a business. Understanding these concepts is essential for effective planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.

Cost analysis is a systematic process used to evaluate and understand the costs associated with a business's operations, products, or services. This analysis helps managers make informed decisions regarding budgeting, pricing, resource allocation, and overall financial performance.

Types of Costs

The main types of costs in managerial economics, along with their definitions and examples:

1. Fixed Costs

  • Definition: Costs that do not change with the level of production or sales; they remain constant over a specific range of output.
  • Examples:
    • Rent for factory or office space
    • Salaries of permanent staff
    • Depreciation on equipment
    • Insurance premiums

2. Variable Costs

  • Definition: Costs that vary directly with the level of production. As production increases, variable costs also increase, and vice versa.
  • Examples:
    • Raw materials
    • Direct labor (wages for workers based on hours worked)
    • Utilities (electricity or water used in production)
    • Sales commissions

3. Total Cost

  • Definition: The sum of fixed and variable costs at a given level of production.
  • Formula: Total Cost=Fixed Costs+Variable Costs\text{Total Cost} = \text{Fixed Costs} + \text{Variable Costs}

4. Average Cost

  • Definition: The cost per unit of output, calculated by dividing total costs by the number of units produced.
  • Formula: Average Cost=Total CostQuantity of Output\text{Average Cost} = \frac{\text{Total Cost}}{\text{Quantity of Output}}

5. Marginal Cost

  • Definition: The additional cost incurred from producing one more unit of a good or service. It helps in making decisions about scaling production.
  • Formula: Marginal Cost=ΔTotal CostΔQuantity\text{Marginal Cost} = \frac{\Delta \text{Total Cost}}{\Delta \text{Quantity}}where, Î”\Delta represents a change.

6. Opportunity Cost

  • Definition: The value of the next best alternative that is foregone when a decision is made. It reflects the potential benefits missed out on by choosing one option over another.
  • Examples: If a company decides to invest in Project A instead of Project B, the potential returns from Project B represent the opportunity cost of choosing Project A.

7. Sunk Costs

  • Definition: Costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered. These costs should not influence future business decisions.
  • Examples: Investments in research and development that cannot be reclaimed even if a project is abandoned.

8. Controllable Costs

  • Definition: Costs that can be influenced or controlled by a specific manager or department within an organization.
  • Examples: Marketing expenses, discretionary spending on materials, and overtime labor costs.

9. Uncontrollable Costs

  • Definition: Costs that cannot be easily changed or influenced by management decisions, often dictated by external factors.
  • Examples: Property taxes, insurance premiums, and some fixed overhead costs.

10. Direct Costs

  • Definition: Costs that can be directly traced to a specific product or service.
  • Examples: Raw materials and direct labor costs associated with a specific product line.

11. Indirect Costs

  • Definition: Costs that cannot be directly traced to a specific product or service and are often incurred to support overall operations.
  • Examples: Utilities, administrative salaries, and depreciation of general equipment.

Understanding these various types of costs helps managers make informed decisions regarding pricing, budgeting, and financial planning, ultimately impacting the organization's profitability.

Cost Output Relation in Short Run

In the short run, the cost-output relationship is crucial for understanding how production levels affect costs and ultimately profitability. Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts and principles regarding cost-output relations in the short run:

1. Short Run Definition

  • The short run is a period during which at least one factor of production is fixed (usually capital), while other factors (like labor and raw materials) can be varied. This time frame allows for some adjustments in production but not full flexibility in all inputs.

2. Cost Categories in the Short Run

  • Fixed Costs: Costs that do not change with the level of output (e.g., rent, salaries).
  • Variable Costs: Costs that vary directly with the level of production (e.g., raw materials, direct labor).
  • Total Costs (TC): The sum of fixed and variable costs at a given level of output. TC=Fixed Costs+Variable Costs

3. Total Cost Curve

  • The total cost curve generally slopes upward, indicating that as output increases, total costs rise due to increasing variable costs. Fixed costs remain constant, but variable costs contribute to rising total costs as production expands.

4. Average Cost (AC)

  • Average Cost is calculated by dividing total costs by the quantity of output produced. AC=TCQ​
  • The average cost curve typically has a U-shape, which illustrates:
    • Initially decreasing average costs as output increases (due to spreading fixed costs over more units).
    • A minimum point where average costs are lowest, known as the efficient scale of production.
    • After reaching this minimum, average costs begin to rise due to diminishing returns.

5. Marginal Cost (MC)

  • Marginal Cost is the additional cost incurred by producing one more unit of output. MC=ΔTCΔQ​
  • The marginal cost curve typically slopes upward, reflecting the law of diminishing returns: as more of a variable factor (like labor) is added to a fixed factor (like machinery), the additional output generated from each additional unit of the variable factor eventually decreases.

6. Relationship Between Average Cost and Marginal Cost

  • The relationship between average cost and marginal cost is key to understanding cost behavior:
    • When marginal cost is less than average cost, the average cost is decreasing.
    • When marginal cost equals average cost, average cost is at its minimum.
    • When marginal cost is greater than average cost, the average cost is increasing.

7. Diminishing Returns

  • In the short run, the law of diminishing returns states that adding more of a variable input to a fixed input will yield progressively smaller increases in output after a certain point. This leads to an increase in marginal costs as production scales up.

8. Cost-Output Decisions

  • Managers use the understanding of cost-output relationships to make decisions about production levels:
    • Determine the optimal level of output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue for maximizing profit.
    • Assess whether to expand production or cut back based on cost efficiency.

In short, the cost-output relationship in the short run illustrates how production decisions impact costs, guiding managers in optimizing output levels and achieving profitability. Understanding fixed and variable costs, along with the concepts of average and marginal costs, is essential for effective decision-making in a business environment.

Cost Output Relationship Long run

In the long run, the cost-output relationship is fundamentally different from that in the short run, primarily because all factors of production can be adjusted. Here's an in-depth look at the key aspects of the cost-output relationship in the long run:

1. Variable Costs Only

  • No Fixed Costs: In the long run, all costs become variable. Firms can adjust all inputs (labor, capital, materials) to optimize production according to their output needs.

2. Long-Run Total Cost (LRTC)

  • The long-run total cost curve illustrates the total cost of producing various output levels when firms can choose the most efficient combination of inputs.
  • LRTC generally increases as output increases, but it does so more gradually than in the short run due to the firm's ability to achieve cost efficiencies.

3. Long-Run Average Cost (LRAC)

  • The long-run average cost curve is obtained by dividing the long-run total cost (LRTC) by the quantity of output produced: LRAC=LRTCQ​
  • The LRAC curve is typically U-shaped, which can be explained through the following phases:
    • Economies of Scale: In this range, as production increases, the LRAC decreases. This occurs due to factors such as:
      • Specialization of labor.
      • Bulk purchasing of materials, leading to lower per-unit costs.
      • More efficient use of production techniques and technologies.
    • Constant Returns to Scale: At this point, increasing production does not significantly affect average costs; LRAC remains stable.
    • Diseconomies of Scale: As output continues to increase, the LRAC starts to rise due to factors such as:
      • Overcrowding or inefficiencies in management.
      • Communication challenges within larger organizations.
      • Increased complexity in operations.

4. Long-Run Marginal Cost (LRMC)

  • Long-run marginal cost represents the change in long-run total cost when output is increased by one additional unit: LRMC=ΔLRTCΔQ​
  • The LRMC curve can intersect the LRAC curve at its minimum point, indicating that when marginal cost is below average cost, average cost is decreasing, and when marginal cost is above average cost, average cost is increasing.

5. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale

  • Economies of Scale: When a firm increases its output, it can spread its fixed costs over a larger number of units, reduce variable costs through bulk purchases, and achieve greater operational efficiency.
  • Diseconomies of Scale: When a firm grows too large, it may face increased per-unit costs due to complexity, inefficiency, and potential issues with management and coordination.

6. Cost-Output Decisions

  • In the long run, firms can make strategic decisions regarding:
    • Capacity Planning: Determining the optimal scale of production to minimize costs.
    • Input Combination: Selecting the most efficient mix of labor and capital.
    • Technology Adoption: Investing in new technologies that may reduce costs and improve efficiency.

7. Long-Run Supply Curve

  • In a perfectly competitive market, the long-run supply curve is typically horizontal at the minimum point of the long-run average cost curve. This indicates that firms can enter or exit the market freely, and the market price stabilizes at a level where firms earn normal profits in the long run.
The cost-output relationship in the long run highlights the importance of flexibility in adjusting all production inputs. By understanding economies and diseconomies of scale, firms can optimize their production processes, achieve cost efficiencies, and make informed strategic decisions that impact their long-term profitability.

Estimation of Revenue

In managerial economics, estimating revenue is essential for understanding a firm's financial performance. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts: total revenue, average revenue, and marginal revenue.

1. Total Revenue (TR)

  • Definition: Total revenue is the total amount of money generated from the sale of goods or services. It is calculated as the price per unit multiplied by the quantity sold.
  • Formula: TR=Price×Quantity
  • Example: If a firm sells 100 units of a product at a price of 50 rupees per unit, the total revenue would be: TR=50rupees/unit×100units=5000rupees

2. Average Revenue (AR)

  • Definition: Average revenue is the revenue earned per unit of output sold. In a competitive market, average revenue is equal to the price of the product.
  • Formula: AR=Total RevenueQuantity Sold​
  • Example: Continuing from the previous example, if total revenue is 5000 rupees from selling 100 units, the average revenue would be: AR=5000rupees100units=50rupees/unit

3. Marginal Revenue (MR)

  • Definition: Marginal revenue is the additional revenue generated from selling one more unit of a product. It reflects how total revenue changes with a change in quantity sold.
  • Formula: MR=ΔTRΔQ\text{MR} = \frac{\Delta \text{TR}}{\Delta Q}where ΔTR\Delta \text{TR} is the change in total revenue and ΔQ is the change in quantity sold.
  • Example: If total revenue increases from 5000 rupees to 5200 rupees when an additional unit is sold (increasing quantity from 100 to 101), the marginal revenue would be: MR=5200rupees5000rupees101units100units=200rupees1unit=200rupees

4. Relationship Between TR, AR, and MR

  • In a perfectly competitive market, the following relationships hold:
    • Average Revenue (AR) is equal to the price of the product, so: AR=Price
    • Marginal Revenue (MR) is also equal to the price in perfect competition: MR=AR
  • In a monopolistic market, the relationships differ:
    • The price (AR) decreases as quantity increases due to the downward-sloping demand curve.
    • Marginal revenue (MR) is less than average revenue (AR) because to sell more units, the firm must lower the price on all previous units sold.

Estimating total revenue, average revenue, and marginal revenue is crucial for firms to understand their pricing strategy and how changes in quantity sold affect revenue. This information helps in making informed decisions regarding production, pricing, and maximizing profits.