Table of Contents Generator for Blogger and WordPress

The Table of Contents (TOC) Generator for Blogger and WordPress is a dynamic tool designed to enhance the readability and navigation of your blog posts. This tool allows bloggers to easily create and manage a hierarchical table of contents for their articles, enabling readers to quickly jump to specific sections of interest. The TOC generator is particularly useful for long-form content, providing a structured overview that improves user experience and SEO performance.

Table of Contents Generator


How to Use the Table of Contents Generator for Your Blogger Site

Creating a well-structured Table of Contents (TOC) for your blog posts can significantly improve user experience and SEO. Follow these detailed steps to generate and integrate a TOC into your Blogger site:

Step 1: Visit the Table of Contents Generator Website

  • Click on this link to open the Table of Contents Generator website.
  • The website provides a user-friendly interface to help you create a TOC for your blog posts effortlessly.

Step 2: Enter Your Heading

  • Start by entering the main heading for your TOC.
  • This heading represents the primary section of your blog post.

Step 3: Enter Your Subheading

  • If your blog post has subheadings, enter them in the provided input field.
  • To add additional subheadings, click on the "Add Subheading" button. This action will create another input field for you to enter more subheadings.
  • Repeat this step as necessary to add all relevant subheadings.

Step 4: Add a New Heading

  • Once you have entered all subheadings for the current section, click on the "New Heading" button.
  • This action will save the current heading and subheadings and create new input fields for the next heading and its subheadings.
  • Continue this process until you have added all headings and subheadings for your TOC.

Step 5: Generate the Table of Contents

  • After completing your TOC entries, click on the "Generate TOC" button.
  • The website will generate the HTML code for your TOC.
  • If you want to see how your TOC will look, click on the "Preview" button. This feature allows you to review the TOC before integrating it into your blog.

Step 6: Copy and Paste the Generated TOC Code

  • Once you are satisfied with your TOC, copy the generated HTML code.
  • Paste the code into the HTML section of your Blogger post where you want the TOC to appear.

How To Add a Table of Contents Understand by Example of "Healthy Breakfast Recipes"

Step 1: Visit the Table of Contents Generator Website

  • Click on this link to open the Table of Contents Generator website.
  • The website provides a user-friendly interface to help you create a TOC for your blog posts effortlessly.

Step 2: Enter Your Heading

  • Heading: Healthy Breakfast Recipes
    • This will be the main heading for your blog post.

Step 3: Enter Your Subheading

  • Subheading: Avocado Toast
  • Subheading: Greek Yogurt Parfait
    • If you want to add more subheadings, click on the "Add Subheading" button to create additional input fields.
  • Example Additional Subheading: Berry Smoothie Bowl

Step 4: Add a New Heading

  • After completing the subheadings for the current section, click on the "New Heading" button.
  • New Heading: Oatmeal Varieties
  • Subheading: Blueberry Oatmeal
  • Subheading: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
    • Continue adding subheadings as needed by clicking the "Add Subheading" button.
  • Example Additional Subheading: Banana Nut Overnight Oats

Step 5: Generate the Table of Contents

  • After entering all the headings and subheadings, click on the "Generate TOC" button.
  • To preview the TOC, click on the "Preview" button. This will display the TOC as it will appear on your blog.

Step 6: Copy and Paste the Generated TOC Code

  • Copy the generated HTML code for the TOC.
  • Paste this code into the HTML section of your Blogger post where you want the TOC to appear.
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How to Jump To the Specifics Part of Our Blog From Table of Container

To jump to a specific part of your blog from the Table of Contents (TOC) generated by your code, you can use anchor links. Here's a step-by-step guide using an example with an Indian recipe:

1. Generate TOC Code: Use the tool you created to generate the TOC code for your blog post. Let's assume the generated code looks something like this:

<div class="toc-container">
        <li><a href="#ingredients">Ingredients</a></li>
        <li><a href="#preparation">Preparation</a></li>
        <li><a href="#serving">Serving</a></li>

2. Add Anchors to Your Content: In your blog post, add id attributes to the headings you want to link to in the TOC.
For example:

    <h2 id="ingredients">Ingredients</h2>
    <p>List of ingredients...</p>

    <h2 id="preparation">Preparation</h2>
    <p>Preparation steps...</p>

    <h2 id="serving">Serving</h2>
    <p>Serving suggestions...</p>

3. Link to Anchors: In your TOC, the href the attribute should point to the id of the corresponding section. For example, the "Ingredients" link should point to #ingredients.

4. Test the Links: Preview your blog post and test the links in the TOC. Clicking on each link should jump to the corresponding section of your blog post.

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Benefits of Using a Table of Contents Generator

  1. Improves User Experience: A TOC provides a clear outline of your content, allowing readers to jump to the sections they're interested in without having to scroll through the entire post.
  2. Boosts SEO: Search engines appreciate well-structured content. By using a TOC, you can improve your blog's SEO, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site.
  3. Increases Readability: Long blog posts can be overwhelming. A TOC breaks down the content into manageable sections, making it more readable and engaging for your audience.
  4. Enhances Navigation: With a TOC, readers can easily navigate through your content, especially on lengthy articles. This feature is particularly useful for tutorials, guides, and informational posts.
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